A blonde haired blue-eyed man, wearing a dark blue shirt, smiles at the camera

Hello world! My name is

John Williams.

And I build things for the web.

I'm a full-stack developer with two years of professional experience, focusing so far on React, Typescript, Next, Google Cloud Platform, and much more. If it needs to be done, I will figure out the best way to do it. Beyond coding, my other passions include music, education, writing and, more recently, fitness. 🏃

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01. About Me

In May of 2021, I made the decision to change my career from music education to web development using a self-researched and self-guided bootcamp. To be clear, I didn't start my journey with computers with that bootcamp. Be it running game servers or bots for friends, tinkering with HTML/CSS over the years, building desktops for myself, family, or friends, or automating portions of my previous jobs in education using Python, computers have been the backbone of my life since I was very young.

During my training for the role, I worked with the following technologies:

All code produced during that bootcamp can be found on my Github.

A man stands on a conducting podium, baton flipped between fingers. His hand are directly in front of his chest as he draws sound out from the group in front of him. A large stage at a theater, players sitting social-distanced apart from each other. A man conducts with his right hand to a group of players on bleachers

02. Projects

NextJS React Typescript Tailwind PostgreSQL Zustand

Simply Commerce, a work in progress, is a modern Next (app-folder-based) app aimed at e-commerce using a simple data structure, ui, and checkout process. Specific attention is being given to minimalism.

React Node Typescript Redux ESBuild Prettier

The JSX Notebook is a jupyter-like app that allows for users to dynamically import any library from the NPM library and view the result of their code in (nearly) real-time, capitalizing on ESBuild's blazing fast transpilation.

Angular Typescript Semantic UI

Angular Mail is a MVP email app written in Angular. It was created while working through Stephen Grider's Complete Angular Bootcamp and features the ability to sign up, login, and send and recieve emails, including replies. It uses Semantic UI for styling.

HTML Grid Sass

Nexters is a product of the Advanced CSS and Sass course. The website is a landing page for a realty company and takes advantage of a heirarchy of modern Grid layouts. Additionally, it utilizes the Block-Element-Modifier (BEM) model. It is an exercise in style and not function.

React MongoDB Styled Components

React Meetups is an exercise in the framework itself, utilizing common React concepts like props, Link, hooks, reuseable, functional components, partials, and router with an ally-oop from MongoClient.

03. Contact Me

Thanks for stopping by!

Feel free to reach out with inquires regarding how to kick-start your career in web development or anything else.